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Editor's Blog July 24th 2012

Eddie just hasn’t got the time!

“How can we ever have time, if we never take time?” Taking the time to write the blog sometimes seems to be more difficult than I originally imagined. Today I have simply been snowed under. But have you ever had that sort of day where you feel you haven’t stopped but you feel you haven’t really accomplished anything?

This morning started badly, ended worse, lunchtime didn’t exist, by 4:30pm I thought I should really grab a sandwich and then by 7pm I’m thinking I better write the blog.

So what’s happened today and what makes my day disappear so quickly? The expression “time flies when you’re having fun” comes to mind… I don’t think it’s that… although I can’t be sure… maybe I am a glutton for punishment.

Some times the day to day grind simply takes over, the getting through the chores, the trying to get out the office door as quickly as possible. The fact that no matter what you do, today isn’t going to change the world. Is it?

Well not doing what I do for a living, no! But I started to think, who’s day made a difference today. I was going to start with Peter Parker, Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne, but that’s just not realistic is it.

What about the greats, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill or Mahatma Gandhi then I realised, well as much as there day to day mattered, they don’t anymore, so they go in the same pile as the super heroes.

So let’s look at the jobs that influence and help others the most. Teachers? Fire fighters? Nurses? Policeme… wom…peop… policepersons? All jobs that help more people than themselves.

What about fighting for the greater good, the Army, the Navy or the RAF? Surely that’s the job that matters isn’t it… It’s the one where every day matters? But could I join the forces, it’s probably not for me. So how can you make a day-to-day feel like it makes all the difference?

Some people say, the most rewarding job is being a parent. That’s definitely NOT the job for me yet…

Maybe just being Eddie is enough, it’s not as good as being Ed, but its not that bad after all. Sometimes a little reflection on our own lives makes us realise that it’s not that bad, maybe it’s just us. Lets try to look on the positive side and try to feel good about what we have rather than wanting what we don’t have. Well that’s enough for day.

Written by Eddie, Delivered by his owl!