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Mar 04 - GSD Reminds Government: “We Live In A Democracy”

The GSD has today said that it will not take any lessons from the GSLP-Liberals on what does or does not give ammunition to the Spanish Press or Spanish Politicians and that the Chief Minister “appears to have forgotten that we live in a democracy where it is the duty of Opposition parties to hold the Government to account and to do so on behalf of the people.”

Trevor Hammond, GSD Chairman said: ”Mr Picardo seems to have conveniently forgotten the participation of his own Members of Parliament in the Antena 3 Espejo Publico program, giving vent to allegations which have ultimately proven to be false and which led to the producers of the program labelling the Dr Giraldi Home as ‘the House of Horrors’. 

“The Opposition is entitled to raise concerns, as indeed have Environmentalists, about the safety risks of the proposed LNG bunkering facilities on the North or Detached Mole. That is what Oppositions do, in the discharge of their duty to hold Governments to account.

“The Opposition will be making available to the public the expert opinions on the subject which it has obtained in the near future and notes that the Government has not yet published its own safety reports on the matter, despite being determined to proceed with the project.

“The suggestion that the Opposition should keep quiet about these unacceptably high risks because politicians in Spain might ask questions is an absurdity out of keeping with a modern and vibrant democracy”.
