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Gibraltar Youth Service Hosts Third Youth Symposium

The Gibraltar Youth Service, on behalf of the Ministry of Youth, held its third Youth Symposium recently at the John Macintosh Hall.

A statement from the Government follows below:

At a previous meeting, participants had highlighted issues of importance, including some related to health, mental health and well-being, and the services of these available to young people. 

The Minister for Youth, the Hon Christian Santos GMD MP invited Minister for Health, The Hon Gemma Arias-Vasquez who has responsibility for these areas to join him at the Symposium. 

The Ministers had worked closely in preparation for the meeting and addressed questions and expressed their commitment to develop services in these areas. They also offered the attendees their email addresses should they wish to discuss any issues. 

Minister Santos was pleased to have provided a forum for young people to open up and express their opinions on the issues that affect them and emphasised that allowing young people to have a voice is to empower them.