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Editor's Blog Jan 06th 2012

Beer Belly Issues

Body Image, it's not just something that affects women. I read an article in the British press where The Centre for Appearance Research at UWE studied the responses of 384 British men with an average age of 40. The biggest body issue for them was their "beer belly" and lack of muscles. (“I had one of them, it wasn’t pretty”). Thirty-five percent of respondents said they would trade a year of their life to achieve their ideal body weight or shape.

Because of our mostly sedentary lifestyles and high calorific intake, it is very easy to become the person described above once you hit your mid thirties.

Although the study was conducted in the UK, you only have to look around Main Street to see that the problem is also evident here in Gibraltar, at least physically.

It is rare to hear the older Gibraltar “Men” talk about the state of their bodies in public, just in case it comes across as effeminate. (I put it down to the Puro Macho Iberico Syndrome). The younger Gibraltarian “Man” has no such qualms; once the weather hits 18 Celsius it's off with the shirt and out with the proclamations, at the top of his voice, to every man and his dog, about how his triceps are now twice the size of a normal person's head.

But for us poor souls that don’t have time for daily two-hour gym sessions and protein shakes, there is hope.

It is a simple remedy. Park your car up and cycle or walk to work, and when I say walk I don’t mean that almost zombie-like shuffle with your iPod on. What I mean is a brisk long stride that will get your heart beating. And if mornings aren’t your thing, find an hour in the evening, get your shorts on and just go, the solo time will also be beneficial.  

Anything that makes your heart beat faster will burn calories. But that is not enough, the average western male, (Excluding Americans) eats almost double the required calories that are needed to maintain a healthy weight and if you like a couple of pints after work it can triple.

SO, EAT LESS, WORK OUT MORE AND STAY OFF THE BEER!  You will be amazed at how quickly your body will start to change. There are six months to summer let's see if you can get that buff body you had when you were twenty-seven.
