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Editor's Blog Jan 20th 2012

“That YGTV Ed could have done better”.


Home sweet home, will be on my mind according to the Horoscope in the local press, this morning “And being a gadget lover, especially around my place I may want to indulge in some surfing or browsing to find the latest must have buy. If I can find one that will replace the work of three or four,  “It goes on to say”, I could save myself some space and impress some friends too.

What a load of cobblers, just because a Mystic Meg type person tells you the Sun is in perfect alignment with Uranus and all is going to be peachy today I can go about my life with a warm fuzzy feeling.

Horoscopes should read more like this; today your mindless job will depress you to the point where you would rather dine on a bullet, you will tread on some dog excrement on the way to town.  Avoidance of actually doing any work today will be high on your list of priorities. The face of the Book will have you writing nonsense to people that you regard as friends. You will read the end of this blog and think, “That YGTV Ed could have done better”.

Its incredible that in this day and age where people are or at least should be more enlightened give these little nuggets of bottom efflux any credence on how their day will go. Looking at any of the twelve predictions carefully you will note that anyone of them can be applied to you, such is their vagueness.

Horoscopes are just a bunch of comforting lies, and if you ever find yourself reading one, and thinking Hmmmm that’s so how my day went, its because they are written to be generic and at some point it will coincide with your daily activities.

I have a prediction; the Euro Zone will collapse by August 2012.