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Nov 08 - Picardo Calls on Feetham to ‘Consider Resigning’

picardoIn an interview with GBC’s News Editor Stephen Neish, Chief Minister Fabian Picardo claimed that Opposition Leader Daniel Feetham has sent emails to members of the GSLP claiming that the Government is lending money to party members via Credit Finance Company Ltd so that they can pay tax bills. Mr. Picardo insisted that Mr. Feetham’s claims are untrue.

Speaking to Stephen Neish, he added, ‘Mr. Feetham needs to put up or shut up. He cannot demonstrate that that is true because that is untrue. Having made such a serious allegation he has risked that the public will lose complete trust in him. Our system of Government and Opposition works because the Government trusts the Chief Minister and trusts the Leader of the Opposition and we can argue things, but there must be trust between us and the population. In doing what he has done Mr. Feetham has totally demolished the relationship he had with the public and with his party. He needs to consider very carefully what his next step is. Remember that he will also be recalled for having criticised the Chief Minister’s speech at the United Nations, for having said that he might remove the concrete blocks, which make up the reef, for having said that he would quickly go for having quadripartite talks and now for this allegation, which is totally unsustainable. If you put all those together Mr. Feetham’s credibility is absolutely shot and what he needs to do is consider his position and perhaps even consider resigning.’

He went on to note that the GSD deserves ‘better than it’s getting at the moment’. In response to Mr. Picardo’s interview, Mr. Feetham took to twitter to say, ‘So Mr Picardo says I should resign. I better pack my bags and stop asking how he is spending 344 million of savers and taxpayers money.’

The entire interview can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9aXv9YN2wo&feature=youtu.be