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Christmas Message 2024 – His Excellency The Governor

27 December 2024
Christmas Message 2024 – His Excellency The Governor

Below follows His Excellency The Governor’s Christmas Message:

Kate and I would like to wish everyone in Gibraltar a very happy Christmas. We would like to  thank you for the warmth of your welcome since our arrival and for the kindness we have  received in the six months we have been here.  

Almost every conversation that I have had starts with being asked how we are finding  Gibraltar. My answer is Gibraltar is very well run with an effective public sector and dynamic  businesses in the private sector, as well as generous third sector of charitable services.  There is a diversity amongst the people that is bridged by tolerance. There is a wealth of  historical context that comes through in terms of culture, family lineage and architecture.  This all combines to make Gibraltar a fascinating place and one that is a pleasure both to  visit and to live in. I have visited all the schools in Gibraltar and there is no better  demonstration of the future than seeing the commitment to learning and future prosperity,  aided by very impressive teachers in well maintained schools. 

The next topic that always comes up is the Treaty and whilst I am not directly involved in  negotiations, I can assure you that the Gibraltar and the UK negotiating teams are doing the  most extraordinary job working through complex issues with our neighbours Spain and with  the EU. UK stands shoulder to shoulder with Gibraltar and there is no gap in between. I  know that uncertainty is unsettling but you can rest assured that in the Chief Minister and  the Attorney General, Gibraltar’s voice is heard at every level and your interests are being  very well represented, held to account by His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. 

I take my constitutional responsibilities very seriously and that starts with the Defence of  Gibraltar by His Majesty’s Armed Forces. I would like to pay tribute to all the men and  women in the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Royal Gibraltar Regiment and the Royal Air Force,  supported by the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, Gibraltar Defence Police and Ministry of Defence civil 

servants. Their loyalty and selfless commitment is an inspiration to us all as is the  forbearance of their families. We will be thinking of all those Servicemen and women who  are apart from their families at Christmas. 

My other key responsibility is for the internal security of Gibraltar. As such, I have taken a  keen interest in the Royal Gibraltar Police and I have been very impressed with their  dedication and responsiveness. It is easy to criticise the Police at times for either doing too  much or too little. But when things go wrong in life, it is the Police to whom we all turn. As  we enjoy Christmas with our families, please spare a thought for those Police officers on  duty. And as we head into the New Year, let’s all make a resolution to be more mindful of  the pressures the Police are under and to support them more. The same goes for all the  civilian unformed services from His Majesty’s Customs, the Borders and Coast Guard Agency  and the Fire and Rescue Service and the Ambulance Service. And of course, all in the GHA.  They all do an outstanding job and we owe them a great debt of gratitude. 

In closing, Kate and I will be spending Christmas here in Gibraltar with our children, Emilia  (25) and Alexander (23) who both work in London. We wish you all a very happy Christmas  and no doubt we will see many of you in passing over the holiday period. We can all then  look forward to the New Year and a happy and prosperous 2025.