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Fully Renovated World War II Tunnel Complex Officially Opened

03 February 2025
Fully Renovated World War II Tunnel Complex Officially Opened

The fully renovated World War II Tunnel complex was officially opened on Friday by the Minister for Environment and Heritage, John Cortes, and the Minister for Tourism and Culture, Christian Santos. 

A statement from the Government follows below:

The complex provides an immersive experience featuring many aspects of World War II and its connections with Gibraltar. Exhibits include original footage on the drilling of the tunnels, and information on personalities and events at the time, including newspaper cuttings and genuine artefacts. There is a section on WWII Espionage and an emotional display featuring the Evacuation of Gibraltarians. 

The project has been undertaken by Wright Tech Ltd under contract with the Government via the Department of the Environment and Heritage, with the collaboration of the Gibraltar National Museum, and the oversight of the Government Archaeologist and the Heritage and Antiquities Advisory Council.  

This is the first ‘new’ site for some years, but already work has started on the Moorish Castle and the Northern Defences, with work in other areas due to be announced soon. 

Minister for Environment and Heritage,the Hon Prof JohnCortes, said:“This world class exhibition will be popular with residents and visitors alike. It illustrates how my colleague Minister Santos’ Ministry and mine are working closely together, with Environment and Heritage leading on the physical improvements, and Tourism promoting the much-improved product. It is like no other exhibition in Gibraltar but is just the first of many improvements to our heritage assets in the current initiative. It shows how well the Government and the private sector can work together, investing resources in enhancing heritage and bringing our past to life, making it more relevant to the community. I really recommend a visit!” 

Minister for Tourism, the Hon Christian Santos GMD MP, said:“As Minister for Tourism it has been my honour to officially open the restored World War II tunnel complex alongside my colleague Minister Cortes. The tunnels have always been an asset to Gibraltar from a Tourism perspective and this has been amplified exponentially with their restoration. HMGoG with Wright Tech have created a site which combines the Rock’s military history and our unique landscape with amenities which I am confident will attract new visitors to Gibraltar.”