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Sep 05 - Care Agency and RGP Raise Awareness of National Day Binge Drinking

binge drinking As part of a campaign launched by the Care Agency, in conjunction with the RGP, a stall was set up in Piazza today to spread awareness of binge drinking on National Day, handing out free t-shirts emblazoned with the slogan ‘Keep Calm, Enjoy Gibraltar National Day & drink Responsibly’.

Commenting on the campaign, Minister with responsibility for Drug and Alcohol Awareness, Samantha Sacramento, noted that it had been running for three years and had influenced a decline in alcohol related offences over the past two National Days.

The campaign included posters, television adverts and designated talks at both Bayside and Westside Comprehensive schools. Information packs will also be available on the day in select areas including Accident and Emergency in St Bernard’s Hospital.

Binge drinking or heavy episodic drinking is a modern epithet for drinking alcoholic beverages with the primary intention of becoming intoxicated by heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time. The Government has advised that people should not consume more than the recommended daily unit guidelines of 3 to 4 units of alcohol for men (equivalent to a pint and a half of beer 4%) and 2-3 units of alcohol for women (equivalent to a 175ml glass of wine).