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Jan 23 - Government: Reyes Is “Doing Some Work at Last”

The Government says that, speaking for itself and for all residents of Laguna Estate, it is “delighted to note” that the GSD and Mr Edwin Reyes have remembered the existence of the estate now that they are in opposition. This compares with their “dismal record” of having forgotten the estate when they were in office, says Number Six.

The Government says it is particularly helpful that Mr Reyes, “who missed meetings of Parliament last year whilst he was on a Caribbean cruise, is now using some of his free time to act as a clerk of works” in the area of Laguna in respect of the excellent refurbishment works which the GSLP Liberal Government is undertaking there and at Glacis and Moorish Castle Estates.

Housing Minister Samantha Sacramento said: "I am very pleased to see the excellent progress being made on the refurbishment works at these estates. All of Laguna, Glacis and Moorish Castle are going to look incredible. The GSD are against these refurbishments. They say they are too expensive. If Mr Reyes is at least going to try to be helpful by issuing a press release every time a bulb fails, I am going to welcome that, even if he wants to pretend it is a major health and safety issue. In fact as I understand it, the lights at Resolution House were working even before the GSD press release was issued! What I also want to do is congratulate the contractors and GJBS for the excellent work they are doing and the tenants for the great estate they will be able to enjoy when the works are finally completed. Just like doing any work at home, the inconvenience will be worth it in the end, despite Mr Feetham and the GSD not supporting the works.”