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Sep 23 - Five Hundred Volunteers Tackle Clean Up the World 2014 Campaign

clean up the world Saturday saw the biggest Clean Up the World campaign yet, with approximately 500 volunteers taking part. Over twenty sites were picked clean, including green areas, coastal sites and even underwater cleaning. Teams made up of Bayside and Westside Comprehensive School students tackled diseased and ‘non-endemic vegetation along Europa Advance Road’ as part of Gibraltar’s World Heritage Bid.


Organiser Janet Howitt, of the ESG has said that a report made up of feedback from teams and photographs will be published online as soon as it is completed. She added, ‘Gibraltar continues to see litter in many public places and the clean up campaign reminds us of this ongoing problem. These issues are highlighted in an exhibition being held at the Gibraltar Heritage Trust for the next week with proposed solutions offered. We need to get our littering under control.’

She thanked all volunteers for ‘helping ensure a successful, safe and inspiring 2014 CUTW Day. 
Thanks also to the steering team who volunteer their time in the week leading up to the Clean up day for the considerable logistics, preparations and hard work involved!’