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May 12 - Government Says It Has Introduced “An Improved Bus Service For The Whole Of Gibraltar”

The Government says that, after public consultation, the Sustainable Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan recommended modifications to some bus routes in order to provide a “more reliable and more efficient service.” Number Six says that the changes to routes 4 and 9, and the introduction of the pilot route 6 announced on 14th April 2016 were made as trial pilot schemes adding that user feedback is being constantly monitored throughout the trial period and has been “largely positive.”

A statement issued this afternoon continued: “The Government has noted some feedback from a small minority of bus service users who have been inconvenienced by having to change buses on some routes in order to reach their destinations. However, the practice of changing buses is standard in towns and cities worldwide and results in a vastly improved, more efficient and faster service for all users. The Government will respond to feedback appropriately and may consider ways to reduce the inconvenience of changing buses.”

Minister for Transport, Paul Balban, said: ‘Following the recommendations of the STTPP, changes to bus routes have been undertaken after a process of public consultation and with the needs of the majority of bus users in mind. New routes have been launched to try to create a better, more convenient service and the recently launched Bus Tracker Web App has greatly reduced waiting times at bus stops. As always, the Government is monitoring feedback as many of these changes were made as pilot schemes.

‘The Opposition’s criticisms are therefore unhelpful and contradictory given that after the General Election they claimed to want to work with the Government in the public interest. Their latest press release fails to detail the number of complaints they have received and the nature of the concerns raised to them. Conversely, the Department of Transport are constantly monitoring user feedback and are constantly looking for ways to improve the bus service for the benefit of the whole of Gibraltar. Indeed, more routes are to be added to the bus tracker in the next few weeks.’ 
