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Jun 05 - GSD Raises Concerns Over Queen’s Hotel Closure

The GSD Opposition says it has been approached by members of the shipping sector who have expressed their concern at the sudden closure of the Queen's Hotel on purchase by the Government and the effect it will have on the sector.

Gibraltar has for many years been very highly regarded by the shipping industry, one of the reasons for this has been our ability to provide facilities for crew changes at reasonable cost. The Queen's Hotel has long been the preferred choice of shipping agents for this purpose as it offered the most competitive prices.

The concern, according to the party, is that its sudden closure has left a shortage in room capacity which may lead to price increases which would have to be passed on by agents to customers. The net effect would be to reduce our ability to compete in this sector at a time when stiff competition is already being felt from the Port of Algeciras. The GSD asks the Government to explain whether it took these industry concerns into consideration when it bought and closed the Queen's Hotel and what plans it has in place in order to ensure these reasonable concerns by the industry are alleviated.