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Jul 07 - GSD “Encourages Resolution Of MOD Dispute”

The GSD notes the current dispute between the MoD and the local branch of Unite the Union and calls upon the parties to spare no effort in resolving it as soon as possible for the sake of the local workforce.

The Union’s core concern is that employees have not had a pay increment since 2010.  The effect of this is that the local workforce is experiencing deterioration in their standard of living as inflation is eroding the value of the pay as it stood in 2010. 

The GSD says it is particularly concerned at the stance taken by the MOD in its apparent side-stepping of the local Union in favour of Unite in the UK by stating that they will only negotiate with the latter.  Matters were made worse, says the Opposition, when an officer in military uniform was seen photographing union members (and members of the press) participating in the demonstration last week.

The GSD believes that the resolution of this dispute lies in the sides getting together. It therefore calls on the MoD to negotiate directly with the local branch of Unite, the rightful interlocutors for the local workforce and move away from unnecessary provocation so that a solution can be found as soon as possible.