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Feb 13 - 'GSD Were Worse Offenders' Govt Dismisses Opposition Transparency Claims

govtShooting down the GSD’s claim that the Chief Minister exaggerated his pledge to transparency, the Government has insisted that whilst the former administration ‘refused point-blank to answer questions from the press or from the public and gave the then Opposition just a handful of Parliamentary opportunities to ask any questions’ the current Government answers press questions regularly, holds Direct Democracy sessions to answer the public’s questions and chairs monthly sessions of Parliament.

The administration added that there is a pronounced difference in ‘openness and transparency’. The Chief Minister further noted, ‘I will be able to demonstrate that on everything they complain of the GSD and Mr. Feetham were worse offenders.

‘We are a transparent and accountable Government delivering on our manifesto commitments and prudently ensuring the public finances of Gibraltar are stronger than ever. That will soon be clear beyond argument and the GSD and Mr. Feetham won't have anywhere left to go and will as a result never be trusted again.’