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Gibtelecom: Real Issue Is That Gibsat And u-mee Are Selling Unauthorised Content

Gibtelecom has said that  u-mee and Gibsat have today acknowledged that they have been providing TV content “without the proper authorisation from respective copyright holders.”

In a joint statement issued today, they notify customers that they will be carrying out a coordinated 48 hour blackout of their TV services. 

Gibtelecom CEO, Noel Burrows commented that “This is a curious move from both service providers to try and draw public support to their cause by falsely accusing Gibtelecom of creating the problem. The real issue is that for years they have been selling something they don’t own or have the rights to sell, and have been depriving customers of choice by bundling TV with broadband and other services”.

He continued by saying that “All u-mee and Gibsat must do to fix this issue is to enter into commercial agreements with copyright holders for the transmission of content in Gibraltar, and stop transmitting channels for which no authorisation is obtained. This would also help clear the stigma that Gibraltar currently suffers from content owners due to the transmission of illegal content. In doing so, more licensed content would become available. Gibtelecom’s Sofi TV product is a fully licensed service, the Company having entered into these paid commercial agreements. I am sure everyone will see this as a better alternative to punishing their paying customers by way of a 48-hour blackout. Gibtelecom will never blackout any of their channels”

Mr Burrows concluded “In their joint statement of today, they appear to be spinning their actions in a way that makes it sound like they were providing their illegal TV services in the “wider community’s interests”. Clearly doing something illegally cannot in any way be in the community’s, or indeed Gibraltar’s interests”.