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'Save Babies, Vote No' Launches Educational And Awareness Campaign

The Save Babies, Vote NO campaign launched their educational and awareness campaign to encourage Gibraltarians to vote “No” on 24th June. The campaign was launched in Commonwealth Park yesterday.

Speaking at the event, spokesperson Kaoula El Andaloussi said:

“Now that the campaign has started in earnest, we are today calling for volunteers from all over Gib to get involved in our movement for the next four weeks so that together we can ensure that Gibraltar remains a community that protects unborn babies and supports their mothers.”

She continued:

“Everyone can play their part in informing their family, neighbours and friends about the amazing humanity of the unborn baby in the womb, the need to support women in unplanned pregnancy and the fact that the proposed law is so extreme.

“The 24th June is a day of fundamental importance for Gibraltar. With the help of volunteers and supporters from every part of our community, we hope to give voters the information they need to courageously and robustly vote NO to abortion on 24th June."

Mrs El Andaloussi concluded by encouraging people to sign up on the website www.chooselife.gi to become part of the Save Babies, Vote NO movement.