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Nov 18 Rock Crafters Fair This Saturday

The Rock Crafters A group of very talented ladies have got together and organized a Christmas craft fair.

This is taking place on Saturday 23rd November at the Catholic community Centre from 10am to 6pm.

Some of The Rock Crafters work closely with local charities and donate some of the monies they earn to help.  The fee they have paid for the tables will also be put into good use by Father Charlie.

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Nov 14 - Darts Stall Raises £500 For Charity

The committee of Maroc Atlas held a darts stall at the Fair this summer where money was raised for two charities: Gibmission Africa and Special Olympics Gibraltar. Maroc Atlas is Gibraltar's only 4x4 Club, and was formed in 1994 as a Solidarity group taking supplies to children in the remotest parts of Morocco.

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Nov 12 - Gibraltar Methodist Minister Climbs Kilimajaro to Raise Funds for Vine Trust

vinetrustThe seventh and final member of the Vine Trust Gibraltar work party team has returned home from Tanzania. Methodist Minister, Fidel Patron joined the other six work-party volunteers from Gibraltar to help on community projects near Moshi in northern Tanzania. During the two-week long trip the team worked on two schools, which are attended by a large number of orphans, and built a home for a disabled father and his family. As well as lending his support to the construction work, Fidel also opted to climb Mount Kilimanjaro during his trip.

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Oct 28 - Gibraltar Volunteers Return From Tanzania After ‘Life-Changing Experience’

Vine Trust Gibraltar’s six-strong volunteer work party have returned from their trip to northern Tanzania. During their two week stay in the African country, they helped to build a 3 roomed home for a disabled father and his family, helped to build a children’s home for 32 orphans who attend a nearby school and created a covered eating and play area at another school.

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Oct 25 - Raising Down's Syndrome Awareness

mara mahtaniIn an effort to celebrate the ability and talents of to Down’s Syndrome through Down’s Syndrome Awareness month,

With October covering Down’s Syndrome awareness month, retailer F&F, along with local photographer Bianca Baglietto, celebrated the abilities and talents of six year old Mara Mahtani through a photoshoot, during which Mara was able to wear a selection of new outfits given to her by F&F.

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