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May 31 - Government Trying to Defend Indefensible – Claims GSD

gsdThe GSD has today insisted that the Government’s attempt to explain questions in relation to the independence of the Board of GBC raised by the Opposition will fool no one and simply paints itself into a corner.

The party claims that it is the height of hypocrisy for the Chief Minister to, on the one hand, claim that the previous Government failed to secure the independence of the GBC Board by appointing family and supporters, whilst at the same time appointing a Board which includes a former executive member of the GSLP, another that stood for election with the GNP (now the Liberals) and yet another, who is a close personal friend of the Chief Minister.

They add that the most salient point that exposes completely the Government’s position as absolute nonsense, is the fact that a former Chairman of GBC (appointed by the GSD Government and whom the GSLP, when in Opposition, unfairly singled out for criticism by name) was appointed by the Chief Minister himself to the Board of the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority on the 25th March 2013!

‘The only sensible conclusion is that the former Chairman of the Board of GBC, who the GSLP criticised whilst in Opposition, was neither partisan then nor partisan now.

The Chief Minister’s argument in relation to the independence of the Board of GBC is, therefore, untenable and the electorate can judge the matter for itself. ‘