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Nov 05 - GSLP on GBC Viewpoint Invitation

newsIn a statement discussing GBC’s last Viewpoint programme regarding the suggested lowering of the voting age, the GSLP has insisted that it was not invited on the programme.

To clarify, the party notes that GBC’s invitation to appear on the show was made via the Government Press Office ‘therefore inviting the Government and not the Party.  The GSLP presumes that, since GBC invited the Government, they would have invited the Opposition i.e. Members of Parliament.’

The party has made it clear that if they are to be invited to any GBC debate, they are willing to attend and will do so by sending a member of the Executive.

They go on to add that and invitation to the Government is not considered an invitation to the Party, and any party invitation should be addressed to the Chairman or Party Leader at GSLP Headquarters.