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May 06 - Government Hits Back at GSD Over Housing Repairs Spat

govtIn response to the GSD’s recent claim that the former administration also spent significant public funds on repairing GSLP built housing estates, the Government ha said that this claim is ‘totally incorrect’. Instead they note that ‘The repairs to Harbour Views did not cost the Government millions and millions of pounds. In this case, the contractor was taken to court, lost the case and it was the contractor, not the government, who had to pay for the repairs.’

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May 05 - GSD Says Picardo’s Word “Not To Be Trusted”

The GSD says it has noted Mr Picardo’s comments in the press “decrying” the cost of remedial works to projects built during the GSD’s tenure in office. The party says that Mr Picardo “conveniently forgets” that it cost the GSD Government over £20 million to put right the poor workmanship in estates such as Westside 1, Westside 2 and Brympton to name but a few.

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