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Editor's Blog Apr 19th 2012

Unlucky in Love.

“Its so tough trying to meet interesting people” said a friend of mine some time ago. The disillusion of the dating scene had him up in arms. I looked at my own situation and found that I knew several interesting ladies in their own right, whom I would be happy to share my time with and do.

But what options would my friend have, when he seemed burnt out from trawling the bars and nightclubs over the weekends to find that significant other. “Stop trying so hard and they will eventually show up” I said, not really believing the statement as soon as it left my lips.

I know nothing of the internet dating and in the quest for knowledge I clicked on one of the links on my facebook page. My first attempt did not go well, everything was in French. I typed in match.com, the only internet dating site I know.

The welcome page had the following bold statement ONE IN FIVE RELATIONSHIPS START ONLINE, MORE OF THEM START ON MATCH.COM ok lets start a profile page. I fill in the basic information Man looking for Woman aged between 27 and 40 I then fill in the Gibraltar postal code, and get back a message your postal code is not valid!

Rejection from the get go, I close the tabs and scratch my head, I cant even get in the front door and at least see some of these lovely ladies all wanting to date me. I try another site, this one specializing in Asian ladies…No action until I divulge my credit card details, that’s not happening either.

So I try one more, I type in free online dating in my browser and a site comes up called Rural Singles, Mmmmmm farming, heavy machinery and buxom country females. I might like this. This time I type in Man looking for Bi-sexual woman age 45-65 for shits and giggles and I am whisked away to a porn site.

After about 2 hours of navigating my way out of the porn site, I give up on the whole internet dating research, and start making plans for the weekend. At least I will be able to get through the door of the pub.

Wish me luck.