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Dec 01 - RGP Launches "Safer Christmas" Crime Awareness Campaign

The Royal Gibraltar Police is embarking on its annual crime awareness and safety advice campaign in the lead up to this year’s Christmas festivities.

Between the 1st and 25th December, daily advice based on a variety of key messages will be posted on both the RGP facebook page www.facebook.com/royalgibpolice and Twitter handle www.twitter.com/rgpolice using the now well-established #OpGibwatch hashtag, with topics ranging from cyber-related advice and fraud to alcohol-related crime and protecting home and personal belongings, amongst others.

Commenting on the campaign, DCI Tunbridge said: “Gibraltar remains a generally safe place in which to live and work when compared to other European jurisdictions, however, we should never become complacent, particularly because Christmas and the weeks leading up to it traditionally see a significant increase in visitors to Gibraltar, not to mention a marked increase in local and cross-border shopping and leisure area activity.

"Our aim is to encourage everyone to avoid situations that could potentially put them at risk of harm. We want everyone to enjoy the festive season and for it to be a happy time of year, therefore, we’re encouraging the public to browse and share the advice published on our Facebook and Twitter with friends and family, especially with anyone whom we feel may be particularly vulnerable.”
