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First Driver to be Disqualified Under Points System

The first person to be disqualified under the Penalty Points System has lost his licence and will need to retake his driving test before he can drive again on Gibraltar’s roads.

The 20 year-old local man was riding his motorcycle on 4 August when he was stopped by RGP officers for speeding. The points he received for this offence pushed him over the 7 point threshold, which is the limit for anyone who has held a full driving licence for less than two years.  The threshold for a more experienced driver would be 12 points.

The man will now lose his licence for six months.  He will then need to re-apply for a licence and take both the Theory and Practical Driving tests.

An RGP spokesman said, ‘We hope that this disqualification will act as a deterrent to anyone who has points on their licence.  We are reminding these people that, if they cross the points threshold, they will not just lose their licence – they will also need to re-take their driving test.’