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Oct 16 - RGP Announces Tougher Stance On Persistent Offenders

In line with the enforcement strand of Operation Roadwatch which has already started, there will be a tightening up of enforcement on some of the target offences like: speeding, dangerous driving, careless driving and using mobile phones whilst driving.

In some of these instances and when we are dealing with prolific and persistent offenders i.e persons who have a number of previous convictions for the said offences or who have been reported on a number of occasions and are awaiting to attend court, a very serious view will be taken and the suspected offenders will be liable to have their motorcycles or motorcars seized. In the cases involving driving whilst using a mobile phone the said phone will be seized if the person in question denies having been using it. The phone will be kept for forensic examination.

This course of action will be maintained for some time in order to curtail the persistent infringements of the mentioned offences.