Oct 08 - M.G. Sanchez Delivers Opening Talk At University Of Strasbourg International Conference
Gibraltarian writer M. G. Sanchez was recently invited to deliver a talk at the ‘Negotiating, Subverting, Reconfiguring Borders in the English-Speaking World’ International conference held at the University of Strasbourg between the 5th and 6th of October.
Dr Sanchez’s talk was entitled “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: a short (and very personal) history of the Gibraltar border” and opened the two-day conference.
His talk focused on the problems we have seen at the border since the 1950s and explained how continuing border tensions have impacted on the lives of ordinary people on both the Spanish and Gibraltarian side.
He also discussed how the border has shaped his thinking as a Gibraltarian writer and, in particular, how it casts a looming shadow across both his fiction and non-fiction.
Dr Sanchez will now be heading to the University of Barcelona, where he is scheduled to give two lectures on the 22nd and the 23rd of October as a guest of the Centre d'Estudis Australians i Transnacionals and the IAFOR (the International Academic Forum).
“I’d like to thank the Gibraltarian Ministry of Culture – and in particular Seamus Byrne – for supporting me in this latest cultural endeavour,” Dr Sanchez explained to YGTV. “And also the event’s organisers – Drs. Hélène Ibata, Monica Manolescu and Sandrine Baudry – for having invited me to such an intellectually enrichening and superbly organised conference.”
The full programme for the ‘Negotiating, Subverting, Reconfiguring Borders in the English-Speaking World’ conference can be accessed by clicking on the link below:
M.G. Sanchez will be delivering a talk entitled ‘From Gibraltar to Mumbai: a crash course in culture shock and intense living’ at this year’s Gibraltar International Literary Festival.