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Oct 25 - Local Writer M. G. Sanchez Delivers ‘Tricontinental’ Lecture At The University Of Barcelona

25 October 2018

Gibraltarian writer M. G. Sanchez was recently invited to the University of Barcelona to give a talk as part of the Tricontinental Lectures programme.

The Tricontinental Lectures series is an initiative created in 2011 by the teachers of Postcolonial Studies in the English Department at Barcelona University.

Its aim is to offer speakers of different academic and cultural backgrounds the chance to come to Barcelona to speak about their work, and this month’s invitees were Dr Sanchez and the acclaimed Australian poet Peter Bakowski.

Sanchez’s lecture – entitled ‘Border tensions, cultural hybridity and the representation of Gibraltarian identity’ – took place on 22 October at the university’s Edifici Josep Carner, in the centre of the city.

The following day, he also gave an hour-long presentation to the professors and students of the CRIC (Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Culturals) MA programme.

Dr Sanchez’s visit was organised by the Centre for Australian and Transnational Studies in conjunction with the International Academic Forum (IAFOR).
