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Nov 14 – Lord Carey Discusses Ethical Perspectives On Assisted Dying

The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, conducted an informal discussion session on assisted dying and poverty with Professor Robin Gill from the University of Kent as part of the Gibraltar International Literary Festival earlier this afternoon.

Lord Carey provided what he called “thumbnail sketches” which would inspire further debate. He explained that he had recently changed his mind regarding the moral permissibility of assisted dying. Lord Carey said that a compassionate desire to end the suffering of people who are in great pain or whose lives are no longer worth living should override other considerations.

Professor Gill, on the other hand, argued that the legalization of euthanasia could place vulnerable people at risk, place an unwanted burden on doctors and establish a ‘slippery slope’ whereby other types of mercy killing could be authorized.

The Festival continues until Sunday. Check out more events on: http://gibraltarliteraryfestival.com