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Oct 05 - GSD Welcomes Governor’s Appointment

The GSD Opposition says it welcomes the announcement by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office confirming the appointment of Lieutenant-General Edward Davis CB CBE as the next Governor of Gibraltar and Commander-in Chief. The GSD says Gibraltar has had a long tradition of military Governors particularly Royal Marines with exemplary service to defence and Lieutenant General Davis is no exception with an impressive résumé from Commanding the Special Boat Service between 2002 and 2004 to Deputy Commander of NATO Land Forces based in Turkey.

The Leader of the Opposition, Daniel Feetham, said: “We are very pleased with the news that once again Gibraltar will have a Royal Marine in the Convent. Gibraltar has a deep and strong connection with the Royal Marines and we look forward to welcoming Lieutenant-General Davis and Lorraine Davis. I am sure all in Gibraltar will make them both feel very welcome”
