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Oct 28 - ESG Publishes Election Wish List

The Environmental Safety Group (ESG) has published its latest election “Wish List”. The group has been creating wish lists since 2003 and has produced substantial updates at each election.

The group says the list is a brief look at the many areas which are core issues for the ESG and which it continues to monitor and lobby for on an ongoing basis.

The ESG home page ( www.esg-gib.net ) contains full copies of all past wish lists.

This is the full list for 2015:    


Government to hold regular public seminars.


Acceleration of Renewable Energy Programme and the safest and least environmentally impacting interim power supply to be set up – for grid modification to facilitate micro-generating systems


Urgent review needed with several targets overrun and update published


Key issue is to set up real-time monitoring in the NW of Gibraltar (to include PM2.5s) – for industry to apply best available technology at all times and not simply meet EU obligations – see Bunkering/Shipping for more on pollution


Implementation of Traffic Plan/Idling Controls/Pavements and Private Bus Border service.

For timeframe to be published on the implementation of traffic plan and solutions identified via a number of public consultation exercises and studies by experts. This would promote healthy mobility and less reliance on motorised transport with cleaner benefits for all. For private border bus to be upgraded to highest emission specs and controls. For all buses to apply idling controls in place, but not always adhered to. Pavement provision to be pursued and developed for the protection of pedestrians


Facilities/CUTW/Balloons/Sustained Campaigns

Clearer information to users of facilities in place. A cohesive litter strategy needed. An awareness campaign regarding Clean up the World aims and objectives to be run year round. More litter wardens needed. Litter Committee to publish reports. Improvement of facilities urgently needed. Compactor, curtain at transfer site, and a centrally located, well-resourced Eco Park is still required to provide for domestic and commercial waste.

Gibraltar continues to grow and develop therefore space must be made available to service the community’s waste in a sustainable and effective manner. Modern waste facility will greatly aid current situation and challenges too. For a sustained campaign and decision for an environmentally safe replacement of the annual major release of balloons at National Day to ensure changes are in place for September 2016


Organic Waste to be treated anaerobically and maximum recycling to be policy of choice.      

If anaerobic digestion is included to the treatment process at the new sewage treatment plant this offers an opportunity for Government to pursue a policy of maximum recycling and the treatment of our organic waste via the anaerobic digestion process. Final decision on a new environmentally friendly facility is urgently needed


Anaerobic digestion to be part of treatment/urgent.

Since a tender was awarded for a Sewage Treatment Plant in early 2015 the project has, at least publicly, ground to a halt.   The ESG hopes that anaerobic digestion process will be included in the treatment process aiding in reducing odours and converting waste to energy efficiently in the process. This project is also urgently needed and long overdue


Bunkering/Mother Vessel/LNG Bunkering/Ship fumes.

Bunkering, per se, has been managed to a higher standard for      some time now and reports of fugitive fumes from the bunkering process greatly reduced. However, the berthing of the Mother Vessel and associated increased activity at the Detached Mole has caused environmental impacts of noise and air pollution to the nearby     residents. This must be monitored. Furthermore there is talk of LNG Bunkering being encouraged by the Gibraltar Port, on a ship-to-ship basis. This needs to be screened for safety implications before any such activity in an already busy port. ESG has stated its position publicly on being opposed to LNG bunkering and will continue to monitor this situation. Ships berthing at the dockyard, quayside, portside or close to shore must be prohibited from running engines – these fumes are harmful to health and must be banned


Holistic planning to safeguard Gibraltar’s living and built heritage needs to be in place.

The East side of Gibraltar will soon undergo massive and transformational development without such a holistic plan in place.       Other projects for the east coast have for now, and in the main, been dismissed by the DPC. See Planning for more on this topic. Long term and forward planning essential to retain the unique character of Gibraltar and her strategic views and communal areas


Government Mast Policy/Real-time/ Monitoring/Schools/Awareness Campaigns

For Government Policy on mast installation to be fully employed by all Government departments, agencies and adhered to by commercial operators. For real-time monitoring to be implemented. For cables and wiring to replace Wi-Fi in schools. For Wi-Fi hotspots in hospital to be assessed and only essential equipment retained. For awareness and information campaign to be carried out promoting the safe use of electronic equipment


Town Act, E-planning, Strategic Vistas, Government projects, Appeals Tribunal, Greater participation and major projects, Heritage and Conservation Support

With the Town Act feedback having taken place and e-planning launched, two very important stages improving planning practices in Gibraltar have been met. The ESG awaits the publication of the revised Town Act in order for the new measures to be implemented. Strategic Vistas in planning needs to be resourced. Government projects need to apply for full planning permission and ensure that the projects meet best planning standards and requirements. The Appeals Tribunal to be a public process. Greater public participation will be met with e-planning. However projects like Eastside and Rooke have been announced outside of the DPC process in terms of type of land use and preferred choice of development. The Town Act no doubt plans for this, but how can a community feel a part of Gibraltar’s evolution and development if it is excluded from participating in the decision making process when major projects come along? Greater participation therefore called for, to empower the community, foster civic pride and responsibility for our built environment. Support for heritage and conservation plans and objectives.


Regional co-operation required/ NGOs and Tripartite Forum/ Western Beach

Cross border co-operation is vital in managing the bay environment and has stalled since Government changes on both sides of the border. NGO activity was high some years back and set out a joint, regional agenda of problems and solutions which was presented to the Tripartite Forum, a body also very active at the time. This type of approach is what is needed to ensure that environmental impacts are addressed at ‘ecosystem level’ and, that measures are put in place to safeguard these as well as the health of all bay communities from impacts from major industrial activity. In Gibraltar we presently suffer high levels of raw sewage entering a quiet and shallow coastal area near the border (Western Beach). Despite complaints at the highest level at the EC the situation has remained unresolved since 2010. This issue must be sorted out otherwise the beach will be closed under newer and tighter EU legislation in force since the end of the 2015 bathing season and another cross border situation unresolved.


Independent Cross Border Epidemiological studies

This has been an objective of NGOs and civic groups throughout the Bay for years because people are genuinely concerned about the high incidence of cancer and higher mortality that exists in many of the bay populations. Cancer clusters have been identified by Barcelona scientists in Sevilla, Cadiz (*the Bay), and Huelva. Gibraltar also suffers its share of cancers and given our location should be included in a Bay-wide study done by a team of independent epidemiologists with an environmental scientific background – for environmental and health NGOs on both sides of the border to contribute to any such studies.
