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Jun 20 - Feetham Says Margallo Is “Best Advocate For Remain Vote”

The Leader of the GSD, Daniel Feetham, has said that “comments made by Sr. Garcia-Margallo continue to be a stark reminder why it is important to give people who think like him no hope at the forthcoming referendum by voting 'Remain'.”

Mr Feetham continued: “His latest comments on Spanish TV were that it would be “perfectly possible” in legal terms for Spain to close the frontier with Gibraltar in the event of a BREXIT.  Even though he tried to qualify that statement by saying that this was not an option that his Government had considered, it illustrates the dangers for Gibraltar. Sr Garcia-Margallo has never shied away from using the frontier as a pressure point against Gibraltarians.  It will be recalled that in 2013, Sr. Garcia-Margallo told the ABC newspaper that "The party is over" and a number of measures were then being studied by the Madrid Government including a toll payable at the frontier. 

“Ultimately it was EU law that prevented Sr. Garcia-Margallo from proceeding with those restrictions because those restrictions would have been illegal.  Without EU law Gibraltar will be hugely vulnerable.”
