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Sep 07 - GSD Claims Western Beach Is Abandoned By Government

The GSD applauds the hard work carried out by volunteers to remove the large accumulations of sea weed at Western Beach which, alongside the issue of E-Coli polluting the water, has frequently prevented the use of the beach this Summer.

However, the GSD says it is unfortunate that it required volunteers rather than action by Government to remove the seaweed. Trevor Hammond, GSD Spokesman for the Environment has tabled a question in Parliament asking if Government have determined what is causing this new phenomenon in the area.

The problem of E-Coli pollution in the water goes back to 2010 with the diversion of a storm drain outflow in La Linea into the area. The then Opposition Spokesman for the Environment, Fabian Picardo was saying: “Western Beach is a family beach where many families with small children spend the summer months. The uncertainty and confusion that was created after the news broke of the Environmental Agency’s peak readings in mid-August has meant that many people have stayed away from the beach. There are many beach users out there who are annoyed at the failure of the Government to act sooner on this matter, particularly once it became clear that the storm drains from La Linea were being diverted towards Gibraltar.”

The GSD says Mr Picardo's own Government has now had almost five years to resolve this issue with the Ayuntamiento in La Linea, a town which he has mooted that Gibraltar should twin with and yet no progress whatsoever has been made, indeed with the new nuisance of seaweed, the situation at the beach has deteriorated substantially in the time of his administration and the public, and in particular those families who would wish to have accessed Western Beach this Summer deserve a clear explanation as to what has gone wrong.

If you would like more information on this issue or have any other environmental issue that concerns you contact Trevor Hammond on +35020070786.
