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Sep 14 - Understanding Autism - "What Is Autism?"

The Ministry of Equality, as part of its autism strategy and the Understanding Autism series, has organised further awareness training aimed at parents and volunteers. 

Parents of individuals who are on the autism spectrum and reminded of the next information seminar titled, “What is Autism?” that is being held next week. This seminar will be a follow-up to the seminar titled “Parental Strategies; Managing Behaviour” delivered on the 31st March 2017.

There will be a choice of timings; there will be an afternoon session on the 20th September starting at 4pm to 7pm and the 22nd September session will commence at 9.30am to 12.30pm. Both ses- sions are same in content and will take place at the O’Callaghan Eliott Hotel. The Ministry of Equality has on this occasion organised the option of different days and times so as to facilitate accessibility for people who might have difficulty due to prior commitments.

The session on the 20th September will also be open to volunteers in charities, sporting or other organisations who engage with people on the spectrum or would like to be able to do so.

The seminars will be delivered once again by Linda Woodcock who delivered an autism seminar in March 2017. Ms Linda Woodcock is a Studio lll UK trainer and has a BSc (Hons) Applied Social and PG certificate in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities with Severe and Complex Needs. Ms Woodcock is also the co-author of ‘Managing Family Meltdown: The Low Arousal Approach to Autism’.

This particular seminar will provide a description of autism and the speaker will not only relate her experiences as a professional, but also as a parent of a young adult on the autism spectrum disorder. The talk will also cover cause and diagnosis, the challenges of autism and the creation of a therapeutic environment.

These seminars are part of a week long programme that is also being offered to public sector professionals with a view to standardising professional training in the field of autism locally.

Anyone who would like to attend either session will need to register their interest with the Ministry of Equality telephone 200 70112 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Participation is free and spaces are being offered on a first served basis to those registered.

The Minister for Equality Samantha Sacramento said: “We first announced this training about a month ago and it is very exciting to see the high level of interest being received by parents, professional and volunteers alike. I would really like to encourage any parent of a child or adult who is on the autism spectrum or volunteers who work with people with autism, to register as soon as possible, there is a high demand and spaces are limited. This seminar is the second in its series and it follows on from an incredibly successful first seminar delivered by Linda. Further seminars are already being organised by the Ministry of Equality

"As a Government we are investing in a coordinated approach to educating our professional staff and family members to ensure a standardised approach to the subject as this will give us more effective outcomes. The training is centralised through my Ministry of Equality to ensure that we reach out to all relevant Government Departments in the same way."
