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May 08 - Gibraltarian Candidate In Lib Dem South West Launch

The Liberal Democrats say they have a “clear-cut” official policy to stop Brexit, to remain in the European Union and for a referendum on the subject. The Lib Dems add that this would be in the “best interests” of both Gibraltar and the United Kingdom.

Luke Stagnetto, who is the only Gibraltarian contesting the European elections, made this pledge in Bristol during the launch of the Liberal Democrat campaign for the South West and Gibraltar Region.

Mr Stagnetto’s presence in the Liberal Democrat list attracted considerable media interest during the launch and he made the point that his very presence is a “testament to the determination” of the Liberal Democrats to defend Gibraltar’s best interests and was “illustrative of their longstanding commitment to Gibraltar.”

“It is imperative that young people should stand up and be counted. We, as a generation, voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU. I stand here today, the youngest candidate at the upcoming election, as proof of the belief and commitment that the Lib Dems have in young people,” declared Mr Stagnetto in his introductory address.

He emphasized the point that a vote for the Liberal Democrats was a vote for him and “a vote to deliver for the Gibraltarian people.”

Mr Stagnetto will continue in the South West and return to Gibraltar next week in order to campaign here.
