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Dec 03 - Daniel Feetham continues to advocate “de-escalation and dialogue”

Gibraltar GSDThe Leader of the Opposition Daniel Feetham yesterday morning participated in seminar organised by the University of Cadiz with students at Jerez entitled “Gibraltar y las controversias hispano-británicas” where he gave Gibraltarian perspective on some of the issues affecting Gibraltar-Spanish relations such as the sovereignty of British-Gibraltar Territorial waters, where for example, he explained the Gibraltarian position of why the Spanish doctrine of “costa seca” (i.e. that Gibraltar was ceded without territorial waters) was not correct whilst at the same advocating a policy of de-escalation, engagement and dialogue with Spain.

In the evening Mr. Feetham delivered a speech at the prestigious Ateneo Literario, Artistico y Cientifico de Cadiz on his views and vision for the future improvement of relations between Gibraltar and Spain.

Last week Daniel Feetham opened the conference in Algeciras “los contenciosos de Gibraltar en el tricentenario del tratado de Utrecht, 1713-2013” where he urged dialogue and the building of bridges with political parties in Spain.

The Leader of the Opposition was well received at all these venues and the GSD would like to thank the University of Cadiz and the Ateneo de Cadiz for their invitation together with all those who were present for taking the time to listen to what the Leader of the Opposition had to say. It is these kinds of events that help foster a spirit of mutual understanding and respect between Gibraltar and ordinary citizens in Spain.

Mr. Feetham said “At every venue I have emphasised that on both the Spanish and Gibraltarian sides we all have our red lines that we will not cross, but that in between those red lines there is significant political space where much could be achieved. The current crisis can only be resolved through dialogue. It cannot be resolved by a continuation or escalation of that crisis, which after all affects ordinary citizens and businesses on the Spanish side of the frontier too”. Next week the Leader of the Opposition will be travelling to Valladolid where he has accepted an invitation to participate in a round the table discussion and debate organised by the University of Valladolid. Also participating will be Diego López Garrido former Secretary of State for Europe in the PSOE Government led by Mr. Zapatero and a current Diputado del Congreso and member of the Federal Executive Committee of the PSOE together with Antonio Lopez-Izturiz a PP MEP and Secretario General of the PP in the European Parliament. Mr. Lopez-Izturiz is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Party Popular.