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June 09 - Ellul-Hammond Visits UK Health and Education Advisors

gsdAs part of a trip partly organized by the Conservative International Office in the UK, Opposition member Isobel Ellul-Hammond returned from London after attending a series of meetings with Education and Health special advisors and visiting two educational establishments.

Mrs. Ellul Hammond met with Education & Health policy research teams, as well as the former Special Advisor to the Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley to discuss intiatives and alternative ways of looking at the challenges faced in these areas.

During her time in the UK, the opposition member also visited the Colnbrook C of E Primary School and the South Thames College to view their dynamic education system, and to share ideas will senior staff members to help further develop ‘the GSD’s education policies’.

Commenting on the trip, Mrs. Ellul-Hammond noted that there are many success stories in the Health and Education establishments in the UK. She added that ‘.  By talking to the right people and by visiting these places first-hand, they inspire thought and provide clarity and focus to many of the ideas we have about our own Education System and Health Authority.  It is our intention to build on the relationships we have established and make further visits to ensure we learn lessons for our schools and health facilities and get it right for Gibraltar for the next election.’