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Jun 17 - C24 Chair Expresses Desire To Visit Gibraltar In Informal Chat With Chief Minister

lasso mendoza The chairman of the Committee of 24, Xavier Lasso Mendoza, took the unusual step yesterday of approaching the Gibraltar delegation after it had delivered its addresses to introduce himself and conduct a short and informal discussion with the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo.

Relaxed and friendly in manner, Mr Mendoza explained to Mr Picardo that he had read widely about the history of Gibraltar but was nevertheless constrained by his role as chairman to listen to “all points of view” on the dispute. Mr Mendoza has had a long and distinguished career as a journalist and had earlier said in his response to the Chief Minister’s speech that “everyone has a right to express what they take to be true, even though people might have different perspectives.” He also reminded the Chief Minister that he alone did not possess the power to decolonise Gibraltar or any other territory saying that it would be “dangerous” if that power resided in just one person.

In response to some gentle prodding from Mr Picardo, the Ecuadorean said that he would like to visit Gibraltar in the future and that he felt a certain affinity with the Gibraltarian leader through their use of the Spanish language.