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Aug 27 - GSD Welcomes GFA Stadium Statement

The GSD says it welcomes the statement made by the GFA that it has listened to the objections from a very significant section of the community against the building of the National Football Stadium at Europa Point. The Opposition says it hopes that the statement signifies that it has identified an alternative site for the stadium. The party says that building a stadium at Europa Point “was not in the interests of the community or football as a whole” and that its own opposition to the project “has been consistent and clear from the very outset.”

The GSD adds that the report of the statement attributed to the UEFA representative Mr Van Praag that "an upgrade to the Victoria Stadium is out of the question" needs to be clarified and placed in its proper context. The Opposition argues that UEFA “cannot prevent an upgrade to Victoria Stadium to UEFA Cat 3 or 4 standard” which would then entitle the national team to play its international games here. What UEFA will not do, says the GSD, is fund any upgrade to a multi-sport facility such as the Victoria Stadium and which is not owned by the GFA. The GSD says it wishes to again make it absolutely clear that a future GSD Government will be funding the Victoria Stadium project without funds from UEFA.

A spokesman for the GSD then added: "Given that UEFA rules would permit a Cat 3 or 4 standard Victoria Stadium to be used for international games, we can only assume the comments related to funding. If however there are any political concerns from UEFA about the use of the Victoria Stadium for international games because it is sited on the isthmus, there should be clarity and transparency. The GSD would be totally against any attempt to prevent the use of Victoria Stadium for international games because of any Spanish objections".
