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Nov 06 - Most Excellent Order Of The British Empire Gibraltar Association Holds AGM

The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Gibraltar Association held its AGM recently at The King's Chapel.

The following committee was elected;

Chairman: Richard Labrador MBE

Secretary: Dilip Tirathdas MBE

Treasurer: Marcus Killick OBE

Committee members: John Caetano OBE, Cecilia Baldachino MBE, Alexis Almeda MBE, Jean Penney BEM, Mary Sene Hon BEM and Emily Adamberry Olivero MBE.

Judge Felix Pizzarello CBE and Ricky Rhoda CBE were elected auditors.

The Governor is the Patron of the Association and The Hon Adolfo Canepa OBE MP is the Hon President.

Membership of the Association is open to members of the Order at all levels (medalists of the Order are also eligible to join) who reside in Gibraltar or have a close association with Gibraltar. 
