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Apr 12 - Manar Did It! Cheers As Manar Completes Her Med Steps Challenge

It was an exhilarating moment for 22-year-old Manar Ben Tahayekt as she made it to the top of the Med Steps for the first time on Saturday morning.

After a year of training Manar, together with her mum, and with a support network including family and friends including former teacher Kenneth Cardona and Commissioner for Girlguiding in Gibraltar, Valerie Makey, made it to the top in two hours and a half hours.

It was no easy feat for Manar, as she lives with Cerebral Palsy, but she set out this challenge for herself to prove to herself and to others that a disability doesn’t have to stop you from doing what you want to do.  

Manar was greeted by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and Minister for Equality and Ambassador for Girlguiding in Gibraltar, Samantha Sacramento, as well as friends and loved ones as she reached the top of the Med Steps.

Your Gibraltar TV caught up with Manar after having completed the challenge she set out for herself about a year ago.

How was it on Saturday?

Well, Saturday was great, in fact ‘great’ is not even the word to describe the day in total.  If I am honest, the day was magical. I was on top of the world and I felt very special.

How did it feel when you got to the top for the first time?

Different emotions hit me, I was happy and yet I was so emotional.  I think the reason why I cried so much was because, I have achieved something which I thought I was not going to be able to. Aside from that I also cried because of everything which happened to me, the doubt I got from people made me become this strong woman which I am today.

Did you have a lot of people come up to support you?

YES!  I had a lot of supporters, many people just saw it on Facebook and came to support me. It was an amazing feeling that everyone believed in me and showed their support by coming to see me!

How was it when you got to the top to see so many people cheering you on?

It is an amazing feeling. I was very overwhelmed and pleased to have so many cheering me on. 

What is next for Manar?

You just have to wait. I can’t say it yet. I like to keep people guessing but definitely more positivity to raise the awareness for people living with disabilities. This is not the end of me! 
