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Jan 18 - Nautilus Project Continues Outreach Programme In Algeciras

The Nautilus Project’s (TNP) marine biologist, Lewis Stagnetto, accepted a further invitation to another school in Algeciras this week.

A-Level chemistry and biology students from the Colegio La Inmaculada received a power point presentation on 'The Dangers of Plastic in our Oceans' to further a current two year project they are researching on microplastics.

A spokesperson said: "TNP are thrilled at being able to shed light on these global issues. We look forward to returning to this school and working together"

The Head of Science that invited TNP said: "Thank you to The Nautilus Project, Lewis and Melanie for your great contribution to our Project about Microplastics. It was a very interesting lesson. My students were delighted with all your explanations!”
