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Dec 24 - Gibraltarian Writers Studied At Californian University

24 December 2018

Gibraltarian authors Humbert Hernandez and M. G. Sanchez have had their work read and discussed at the University of California, Davis, part of the University of California group of universities.

The University’s Department of Spanish and Portuguese recently run an undergraduate literature course entitled "El mosaico ibérico," focusing on the literature of Euskadi/The Basque Country, Catalonia, Portugal, and Gibraltar, as well as other regions within the Iberian peninsula.

The course was taught by Dr Robert Patrick Newcomb, a specialist in Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic/Latin American literature at the University of California, Davis.

Dr Newcomb said: ‘El mosaico ibérico focused on the theme of geographic, linguistic, and political diversity in the Iberian Peninsula, and featured units devoted to Castile, Euskadi/The Basque Country, Portugal, Catalonia, Galicia, Andalusia, Asturias, and finally, Gibraltar. Several students wrote final papers about Gibraltar … and the students, the majority of whom are second-generation Mexican Americans, made several interesting comparisons between the situation of Gibraltar the US-Mexican context, which is similarly defined by border politics, cultural hybridity, [and] linguistic code-switching.’
