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GFSC Announces Restructure

The GFSC says it has concluded a comprehensive organisational restructure resulting in a flatter, wider and more inclusive management structure. GFSC CEO, Kerry Blight, will have direct line management responsibility for each member of the new management team.

A statement from the GFSC follows below:

The restructure coupled with previous cost management action taken within last few months, including a recruitment freeze and no replacement of staff who left the GFSC, has resulted in permanent full-time employee numbers reducing from above 100 to 78.

Kerry Blight said: "The restructure and cost management action taken are a proportionate response to streamlining the organisation and to being cost-effective in achieving the GFSC's regulatory objectives, including promoting good business, protection of consumers and enhancing Gibraltar's reputation as a quality financial centre."

The new and wider management team will continue with the GFSC's stakeholder engagement initiative both locally and internationally to ensure a positive climate for the benefit of Gibraltar's financial services industry.