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Joelle Ladislaus: “Let Us Embrace The Diversity In Opinions And Bolster Each Other"

The GSD says it will be “working hard to promote equality”.

A statement from the GSD follows below:

The 8th March will see the world marking International Women’s Day, a celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women globally. This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights.” It is no ordinary year for this special celebration, this year marks the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which is recognised as the most progressive roadmap for the empowerment of women and girls everywhere. 

Joelle Ladislaus said: “In a world where men still hold most of the positions of power and authority, it begs the question, why? Place no obstacles in front of a little girl’s dreams, imagination and capabilities and she will become a woman equal to her male counterpart, but show her that she is less and she will conform to that restricted role. In this day and age, there is still a big divide between the sexes which runs through all areas of our society, but which is felt acutely in the employment sphere. Enabling women to earn a living whilst being mothers, is crucial to enabling that gap to close between the sexes, the changes must be radical and must come now. The GSD will be working hard to promote and see changes on this agenda. Empowerment of our girls and women is empowerment across society. A very happy International Women’s Day to all women, regardless of age or employment status, let us continue to bolster and to empower each other so that future generations will never know inequality. 

"With the abortion referendum just a couple of weeks away it is also important, on this IWD, to reflect on how we participate in that important exercise for society. Our community has seen a deep divide over the tough questions which it poses. It requires there to be open, honest debate and respect for one another’s opinions. The right to participate in democracy is a freedom which women before us fought to achieve for many years; a right which too many women across the world are still passionately fighting for, to be recognised as equal to their male counterparts. Let us embrace the diversity in opinions and bolster each other, because equality starts in the way we talk to, act towards and treat each other on a daily basis.”