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Save Babies, Vote No: “The law is simply too extreme”

As the Save Babies Vote No campaign draws to a close, spokesperson Karenza Morillo said:

"There is one simple message today.  This law is too extreme. It will change forever the value we put on the lives of our unborn babies and change forever the way in which we support women in unplanned pregnancy in our community.   It will allow abortion throughout the full nine months of pregnancy as the Neutral Document has confirmed and it will bring to the shores of Gibraltar a culture that in other countries has resulted in massive loss of unborn human life over many years." 

Mrs. Morillo said she welcomed the intervention of Damon Bossino today when he challenged Chief Minister Fabian Picardo on his remarks that the new law is identical to the old law. 

She said: "Democracy suffers when the public are getting incorrect information on a topic as important as this from a political leader and I am glad to see this misinformation challenged."

Lastly, Mrs Morillo urged supporters of the No campaign to encourage three other voters to attend the polling station tomorrow to vote no “to protect Gibraltarian babies and mothers.”

"We hope that everyone will take just a few minutes today to ask three of their friends, family members or work colleagues to get out and vote NO tomorrow.  For those who are still unsure, we encourage them to check the facts on our website or on Gibraltar Lawyers For No.

"Let's continue Gibraltar's current protection of unborn babies by confidently voting NO tomorrow and let's keep Gibraltar's heart beating", she concluded.