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Minister for Youth and Chief Secretary Visit Youth Clubs

The Minister for Youth, Christian Santos, together with Chief Secretary, Mr Glendon Martinez, visited of Gibraltar’s youth clubs on Wednesday 31st January. 

A statement continued: “The senior team, together with their administration support, showed them around the four youth clubs: Plater, Dolphins, Laguna Youth Club and the Youth Centre. They were able to witness first- hand the Youth Work provision during the operational hours. Club members were buzzing with excitement, eagerly awaiting to meet them both. The young people baked cakes and made savoury snacks, and even showcased small dance and gymnastic performances to welcome them into the Youth Clubs." 

For more information on Gibraltar Youth Service please contact the Principal Youth Officer, Mark Zammit at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or for opening times of our youth clubs check out their website www.youth.gi and social media.