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Minister For Trade And Industry Visits AA Underwriting Insurance Company Limited

11 June 2024
Minister For Trade And Industry Visits AA Underwriting Insurance Company Limited

The Minister for Trade and Industry, Nigel Feetham, recently visited the offices of AA Underwriting Insurance Company Limited at the company’s invitation and as part of the Ministry’s ongoing outreach programme.  

A statement from the Government follows below:

During the visit, the Minister was delighted to learn that the company currently employs nine  members of staff and is actively looking to expand its local presence. He had the opportunity to  engage with all staff members and the separate board of directors, discussing the role regulated  companies play in supporting local employment and generating economic value for Gibraltar.  

AA Underwriting is part of The Automobile Association (The AA) group. The company started  writing Motor and Home insurance business through The AA brand in 2016 and now insure circa  one million policyholders and write over £300m in premiums. 

The Minister emphasized the importance of companies like AA Underwriting Insurance in  contributing to the local economy through job creation and the recruitment of young talent,  aligning with Government policy to foster youth employment.  

CEO of AA Underwriting, Jason Cabral, said: "We were truly honoured to host Minister Feetham at  our offices. As a company, AA Underwriting is fully committed to Gibraltar and we take pride in  contributing to the local economy and community. Minister Feetham’s outreach program is a  fantastic initiative that allows him to stay connected with the insurance industry and support  growth opportunities in the sector. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the  Government to help drive success and prosperity for industry and employment in Gibraltar." 

The Minister for Trade and Industry, Nigel Feetham KC MP, said: “I am very pleased to see AA  Underwriting Insurance Company Limited thriving and committed to expanding its workforce here.  The company's dedication to recruiting young people is particularly commendable and aligns  perfectly with our Government’s policy of fostering youth employment. Regulated companies that  contribute to the economic development of the local economy are very welcome. I look forward to  seeing their continued growth and success.”