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May 29 - Alameda Wildlife Conservation Park Renovated and Re-opened

29 May 2013

alamedaEnvironment Minister Dr. John Cortes this afternoon officially inaugurated the renovated Alameda Wildlife Conservation Park after a long 2-year period of on going repairs. During the reception, which was attended by Governor Sir Adrian Johns and Lady Johns, Director of the Gardens, Dr. Keith Bensusan explained that the park had come about following the confiscation of a number of illegal wild animals that were trying to be imported into Gibraltar. He added that at the beginning the work in the park was carried out by mostly volunteers.

With funding brought into the project by the Bonita Trust, and then the Government, the park went under reconstruction and has emerged the vibrant zoo that it is today. During his speech, Dr. Bensusan paid tribute to the park’s staff who work very hard, especially over the past two years, when they’ve had to work under extremely difficult conditions. The park acts as a home to a number of interesting animals, including otters, tamarins, prairie dogs and a bearded dragons.