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Sep 27 - Gibraltar Museum Represented Internationally

27 September 2013

news The congress Adapting to Global Change in the Mediterranean hotspot was organised by the Doñana Biological Station within the EU Ecogenes and brought together scientists from different parts of the world. Professor Clive Finlayson of the Gibraltar Museum was an invited speaker who spoke about Late Pleistocene climate and ecological change in the Mediterranean Region – uniformity or diversity? His presentation drew heavily on work carried out in Gibraltar to illustrate the impact of global climate change at regional and local scales in the Mediterranean Region.

Professor Finlayson was also invited to form part of the Scientific Committee of the Fifth Congress of the Regional Committee on Atlantic Neogene Stratigraphy (RCANS) hosted by the Department of Geodynamics and Palaeontology of the University of Huelva earlier this week. He was also the key-note speaker at the Congress and his one-hour presentation – The last Neanderthals and their habitat: the southern Iberian refuge - focused again on work carried out in Gibraltar, this time with particular reference to Gorham’s Cave.

Coming immediately after a very successful Calpe Conference, participation at these major international events helps to reinforce the importance of Gibraltar and the work being carried out here.

For further information contact Professor Clive Finlayson at the Gibraltar Museum (Tel. 200 74289).