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Oct 02 - Unite On Barclays Closure: “Very Sad Day”

Following the announcement that Barclays has made today, Unite the union have said that they feel that this is a “very sad day not only for its employees, but also the Gibraltar community as a whole.”

According to a spokesperson, Unite was invited into a consultation process with the employer and has taken “full advantage of the opportunity to influence some decisions on behalf and for the benefit of its members.”

However, Unite says that “it was very clear from the start that Barclays’ intention following the failure to sell its operation, was to significantly reduce its staffing levels.”

Whilst Unite recognises that Barclays will maintain a presence in Gibraltar, Unite is “strongly opposed to these proposals.”

Unite say they will continue to support their members, whilst this is taking place and consult with them on what next steps Unite may take, in response to this announcement.